Snoop Dogg and Eminem are leaving the drama behind and coming together. After squashing their so-called beef, the West Coast kingpin has teased an upcoming...
Time flies. Drake celebrated his son Adonis’ 4th birthday with a race car-themed party. The record-breaking rapper spared no expense, shutting down Toronto’s LEGOLAND Discovery...
Sony Corp this week is showcasing a slate of cutting-edge new innovations at CES 2021 that highlight how it is redefining the future, including exciting...
New York, NY – January 11, 2021 – International broadcaster and influential DJ/producer/author DJ Semtex, today launched the new podcast “Hip Hop Raised Me,” featuring exclusive, no-holds-barred conversations with...
Megan Thee Stallion’s new relationship with NBA player Torrey Craig appears to be flourishing after a photo of the couple recently made rounds on social...