Actress Han So Hee was recently accused of lying about her college acceptance. She had previously gone on a variety show and claimed that she had been accepted into a prestigious French arts school before she debuted, but had not enough funds to go. Netizens cast doubt on her claims as most schools require proof of funds before they send acceptance letters. More on it can be read below.
Han So Hee Accused Of Lying About University Acceptance, Agency Responds
Although her agency has already issued a statement to claim that Han So Hee did not lie, Han So Hee herself also responded to a fan’s DM. The DM had asked her to clarify the situation.
| Hankyung
Han So Hee eloquently explained the details.
Although you probably already know, transferring schools and things like that were systems that did not suit me. From then on, I gave up on looking into local schools and prepared a portfolio. At first, I was too ambitious and dreamt of places like Saint Martin’s and Parsons, but when I heard that they cost hundred of thousands per year, I chose Beaux-Arts instead. Since they are not loca colleges, there is no way that I would’ve been able to get a loan. What was edited and twisted in the variety show was the part where I said I needed ₩20.0 million KRW (about $14,500 USD) to ₩30.0 million KRW (about $21,800 USD) in my account, and that I would not have enough to leave immediately and pay for my living expenses. Since I started again from 20, I had to spend everything I earned through part time jobs on attending academies to prepare for studies overseas, so it was basically pouring water into a bottomless jug for me.
— Han So Hee
According to Han So Hee, not only did she have to gather enough money to live in France, but she also had to pay for all the preparations to be done in Korea up to then. This included attending courses to help prepare for admissions and more. The financial burden was too much for Han So Hee to bear, leading her to give up on her dreams.