In the wake of the catastrophic earthquake that struck Taiwan, causing widespread destruction and loss of life, personal stories of survival have begun to emerge. Among these are the experiences of South Korean cheerleaders Lee Ah Young, Byeon Ha Yul, and Lee Da Hye, who have gained popularity in Taiwanese sports circles.
The athletes were in Taiwan, cheering for the local professional baseball team when the earthquake hit.
| @yyyoungggggg/Instagram
Through their Instagram stories, they conveyed their shock and fear as the ground beneath them shook violently. Phrases like “This is a first for me,” “I’m crying,” and “I thought I was going to die” filled their Instagram stories as they shared their experience with others.
| @yuling34/Instagram | @yuling34/Instagram
The stars described the quakes as both shocking and terrifying, even comparing the sensation to seasickness due to the relentless tremors.
The cheerleaders also expressed concern for others, asking, “Is everyone else shaking too?” and hoping for everyone’s safety after the quake.
| @yuling34/Instagram
As reported by international news agencies, the earthquake has so far resulted in the death of seven individuals, with the injury toll rising to 736. Additionally, around 1,000 hikers found themselves stranded in a national park near the quake’s epicenter. Search and rescue efforts are ongoing, with the unfortunate anticipation that the number of casualties may increase.
Taiwan Earthquake Latest: At least four people are dead and 711 injured after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck near Taiwan’s east coast, while 77 people remain trapped in collapsed buildings or tunnels. @tiffvevo reports.
— TaiwanPlus News (@taiwanplusnews) April 3, 2024
Fans and netizens now hope for the cheerleaders to stay safe as the region continues to be hit by aftershocks, all while keeping the victims and their families in their thoughts.