The new boy group named WAKER from Howling Entertainment with the members Saebyeol, Ko Hyeon, Kwon Hyeop, Sebum, Leo and Ijun, debuted on January 8 with their first mini album “Mission of School.” The name “WAKER” represents its ambition to stir the hearts of fans through its music.
WAKER dropped a pre-release single ‘Dash’ on the Friday before the debut album release. “Dash” is a blend of trap and pop, composed by Carlyle Fernandes, a producer who has worked on K-pop albums for artists like girl group Red Velvet and boy band Astro. The song was previously performed in WAKER’s activities in Japan.
The title track for “Mission of School” is ‘Atlantis’ is a pop genre song with an impressive retro synthesizer, electric guitar, and heavy rhythm. It is WAKER’s first journey toward a new dream to be achieved and a secret story to be encountered in the future. The debut mini album has a total of 10 tracks including an English version of ‘Atlantis.’
‘Atlantis’ Music Video
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