Insanely Beautiful Actress Goes Viral On The Red Carpet Highly-attended celebrity events like award shows can be confusing. More than one K-Pop idol has gotten lost at a red carpet event, but how can...
[Review] “It’s only a small comma in our story” Jimin Releases Comforting Track ‘Closer Than This’ An array of feelings have been unleashed with BTS’s Jimin's digital single ‘Closer Than This.’ The latest release is a parting gift from the...
[Photo Gallery] VERIVERY at Anime Matsuri 2023 Photo Cr. Lexy Elder // KpopWise Anime Matsuri is one of the largest anime conventions in North America. The event takes place annually in Houston,...
“WTF Is Going On?” — New Shirtless BTS Photos Flood ARMYs’ Timelines If you started your day by logging into X (formerly known as Twitter) and asking, “wtf is going on,” you’re not alone! why am i seeing...
30+ Never-Before-Seen BTS Photos From The “Beyond The Stage” Documentary Photobook BTS‘s new photobook, ‘BEYOND THE STAGE’ BTS DOCUMENTARY PHOTOBOOK : THE DAY WE MEET has arrived in ARMY’s mailboxes just in time for the holidays. Here...
The Famous Korean Singer Who Had An Affair With A Married Student A famous South Korean singer had an illicit affair with a student—and one who was married at that. Yun Sim Deok is known in present...