Ottawa’s renowned dark electronic pair, Violentene, returns with their latest EP, “Human Drama.” The duo, comprising Mvrijo and Roland M., have honed their lush atmospherics...
Melbourne synth-driven post-punks screensaver have released their second full-length, Decent Shapes, out now via Poison City/Upset The Rhythm (UK). Decent Shapes follows on from the band’s...
In a cityscape drenched with tales as vast as Los Angeles, Romantic Thriller (Rebecca Huston) artfully weaves performance, narrative, and profoundly evocative songwriting bearing a...
Community Shoe is a band from Cleveland, Ohio. The group’s sound showcases its affinity for innovation as these musicians set out to craft a one-of-a-kind...
No stranger to this trendy, oddball scene of death metal dependent on heavy use of dissonant harmonies, Baring Teeth smiles crooked once again. Gracing these...