A misleading genre tag can be a blessing or a curse for a humble reviewer such as myself. To go in expecting one thing, but receive quite another throws one for a loop either way. But in the case of Modern Rites, and their sophomore Endless, the surprise was definitely a nice one. Marked as ‘industrial’ in the pit, what lies within is in fact a modern, delicately atmospheric strain of meloblack; one that audibly carries the influence of their guitarist’s other project, Aara. But rather than mimicry and filler, Modern Rites are in fact demonstrating their ability to evolve into something deeper, and far more interesting than where they started. Endless sounds almost nothing like predecessor Katalyst, to such an extent that if you didn’t know they were the same band already, you’d never guess. In less than three-quarters of an hour, the duo reinvent and reinvigorate their sound, and the result isn’t far short of spellbinding.
Like much good atmo-black, Endless’ impact is one that gradually intensifies as you repeatedly experience it, its immediacy striking in individual moments that seem to become less and less disparate on each listen. Then, suddenly the gaps close, and the coherence between movements is blatant, the whole thing made beautiful by the overt beauty of what first stood out. The clues for this metamorphosis are the ways Modern Rites covertly weave themes that play off one another through both callbacks and premonition. Opener “Prelude” prefigures a tingling, melancholic atmosphere with delicate plucks incredibly reminiscent of Aara’s own instrumentalisms. The following title track may literally take the refrain and run it through the transformative potency of swooping tremolos, but it’s the later references to this melancholia and ambience that solidify the overall character, and draw its yearning, contemplative pulchritude together into one.
Thus, a major strength of Endless is its ability to communicate pathos through its developing, reinterpreted and recurring musical themes. The melodic vessels ebb and flow in power, ending on the proverbial and literal high note of closer “Philosophenweg,” whose lead refrain is the kind of throat-catching opaline litany that induces eye-closing, blissful investment—from me anyway. Before this point, Modern Rites draw back the curtain of ferocity to reveal trembling fragility—precipitously gorgeous, resonant stillness (“Lost Lineage,” “Veil of Opulence”)—and elsewhere drive waves of emotion through pulsing surges of piteous agony, carried from swelling black metal to stripped-back anticipation (title track, “Becoming”) in a way that strongly recalls Gaerea. And not just the melodies, but the rhythms too are affective. Circling (“Autonomy,” “Philosophenweg”), furious (“Lost Lineage,” “Becoming”) percussion pulls swaying introspection over the listener in waves, cascading rollovers turning charges (“Veil of Opulence”) and breathy stillness (“Lost Lineage”) alike into one flowing, shifting stream of feeling.
Compositional coherence is strong overall, but this doesn’t mean songs don’t individualise themselves from the whole. While the record remains—almost exclusively—meloblack, there are little nods towards the elusive “industrial” tag, such as the first act of “Becoming,” and its pulsing, synth-led beat. “Veil of Opulence,” which comes storming in on a tide of energetic tremolos, stands out against most of its peers’ more gradual entries. But its passages of sinister, humming ambience mirror that of its industrial neighbour, “Becoming,” and the whispering atmospheres of the title track, just as its blistering black metal is of one spirit with that which rips across, for instance, “Lost Lineage,” “For Nothing,” and “Autonomy” . Wrapped up in a clear and resonant master, it all comes together into one engrossing world, as atmo-black should.
With every song calling to and referencing one another in brilliant thematic consonance, and these themes themselves being beautiful, it’s hard not to see Endless as the archetype for a great modern atmospheric melodic black metal album. Ambushed and overcome by grace, intensity, and emotionality at every turn, listeners with any sympathies for the genre will be continually rewarded. Modern Rites have created something special, and have triumphantly, and decisively made themselves known.
Rating: Great
DR: 7 | Format Reviewed: 320 kbps mp3
Label: Debemur Morti
Websites: Bandcamp | Facebook
Releases Worldwide: August 30th, 2024
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