ITZY’s Yuna recently went viral after a clip of her greeting fans went viral. The clip was an old one from KCON LA 2023, but received spotlight and went viral on April 6, 2024. She was happily bopping to the music and waving to fans, giving her best at fan service as usual. While fans were happy to interact with the star, they were amused when she suddenly turned away and put on a reserved stance as soon as a male idol walked by.
yuna avoiding male idols is so funny she doesn’t wanna get shipped like last time
— gen (@yunaaatzy) April 5, 2024
THE BOYZ’s Sunwoo passed her for a brief moment, but it was enough to shut Yuna down.
She immediately gathered her hands and stopped smiling.
For a good measure, she even turned completely around with her back facing him.
Fans joked that she probably had trauma from being shipped with other idols due to misunderstandings. A huge part of her rookie lore is an alleged love triangle with TXT’s HueningKai and then IZ*ONE’s Wonyoung.
She doesn’t want another huenkai part 2
— lizzo anti / felix skz stan (@fabjooheon) April 6, 2024
In her rookie days, she was caught on camera looking in the direction of the star. On the other hand, HueningKai was caught looking in Wonyoung’s direction, leading to fans speculating that there was a love triangle going on.
Other fans have expressed their worry and pity for Yuna. Yuna is constantly the target of criticism and hate, as many have named her as a “pick me.”
She doesn’t want another huenkai part 2
— lizzo anti / felix skz stan (@fabjooheon) April 6, 2024
The short clip gained over 500,000 views in just a matter of hours.