A photo of three handsome police officers recently went viral in the Philippines. In addition to praising their features, netizens who saw the picture jokingly commented things like, “Mine is the one wearing a uniform,” “I have a huge sin sir, please arrest me now,” and “If loving you is a crime, please arrest me now.”
The man on the right, Rael, was recently interviewed by local TV program Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho where he shared his story and unveiled past photos.
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There’s no mistaking that he looked visibly different when he was younger. He had a slimmer body, acne marks, and a wider nose.
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But what was it that motivated him to upgrade his looks? A few years ago, he put his heart and soul into courting his crush, a beautiful girl who was just his type. Unfortunately for him, she ended up turning him down.
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That’s when he started to really put in the work. His secret? Skincare, glutathione injections, and working out.
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The most expensive and invasive procedure he did, however, was a nose job.
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Thanks to his efforts, he now turns heads wherever he goes. He has even booked several modeling gigs on the side! As for his love life, he is happily courting a new woman, and it seems to be moving in a positive direction.
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Watch the full interview below.