Exclusive Interview With Queen-E
What 3 things does anyone starting in your line of business need to know?

Have a business plan!!
Figure out what your niche is and target audience
Have fun with your brand

What would you do differently if you were starting now compared to when you first launched?

Not allow my fears to hinder me of certain opportunities that was given to me and making sure I would stayed consistent with my craft, but outside of self sabotaging myself when I first started I don’t regret my journey and where I am now

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?

In undergrad I had the opportunity to meet and have T.D Jakes sign his book The Crushing, his perspective about his childhood and on was inspiring. Abraham Hicks is another one of favorites, Hicks helps her readers to look within themselves to know that we hold the key to success and you have to align yourself to that higher version of yourself. Lastly but not least, Pastor Sarah Roberts. She has this rawness about speeches and sermons that was crafted for anyone of all generations to understand. All three of them have helped mold my lens of life

What has been your biggest success story and why do you think it was a success?

My Self-Care journal because, as I was creating such a beautiful piece to be published on Amazon and Kindle. I never thought I would have to refer back to my own words that I created for my audience. Two years ago I was car jacked and the person also hit me with my own vehicle, that day I couldn’t think of a song, a scripture or even a good memory to calm myself down. But the one thing that did come to mind was a poem that’s in my self-care journal that I wrote myself named, “Prayers To My Situation.” After reading the two lines I immediately felt somewhat relieved, after going over that moment I hit a level of success because in that moment my light was deemed and I was able to pour into my own cup of happiness and peace. If reading a few lines of my poem helped me feel at peace, I know for sure my words have done the same for my readers.

What keeps you going when things get tough in the world of Entrepreneurship?

I look back on what I have accomplished so far, I love reading words of affirmations if I feel overwhelmed about anything. But I analyze my emotions and thoughts, take a step back and do something fun like skating or painting. As an entrepreneur, your inner child has to be activated at all times and have to understand that Rome wasn’t built overnight.

What made you pursue being an Entrepreneur and do you plan on doing it full time at some point?

My grandmother who helped raise me, I watched her sell plates, crochet, blankets, and sell pens. My grandmother did it all on top of being a loving mother, a devoted wife, and a pastor. I’ve never seen her complain, I would often see her get excited while she is creating whatever she put her mind to. Being an entrepreneur is my goal to be full-time, I think of it often, I dream of it often. I love the art of creating something that nobody else can do because we all are unique in our own way, which is why we have so many different languages.

If your company took off and you started to gain maximum success, would you sell your company if the offer is great, or would you keep it?

I would definitely keep my brands, every brand, every company, every business adventure that I have my name connected to is for my children to come in their children. I do so much because I am creating a legacy, a generational wealth of abundance and success that a 9 to 5 can’t replace.

What projects are you working on for the rest of 2024?

I am going full fledge with being consistent with modeling, acting, my online boutique and last, but least publishing another book

Follow Queen-E on Instagram: https://twitter.com/2PrettyinPink

The post Exclusive Interview With Queen-E appeared first on 24Hip-Hop.

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