Armando Iannucci series ‘The Franchise’ has been cancelled after just one season The Franchise has been cancelled by HBO after just one season. The satirical show about the making of a superhero movie was created by Jon...
“Frontmen don’t do humble, but today I was”: Bono receives Presidential Medal of Freedom from Joe Biden The U2 frontman received the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a ceremony at the White House
‘Star Wars’ actor Jake Lloyd “hit rock bottom” after “psychotic break” Jake Lloyd, the actor who played the young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, has spoken about his mental health struggles. The star suffered...
Greg James mocks Neil Young’s Glastonbury 2025 U-turn: “It seems Radio 1 is under corporate control and not the way I remember it” Greg James has mocked Neil Young‘s Glastonbury 2025 U-turn which saw him overturn his decision to pull out of the festival. READ MORE: Who could...
“I really felt like I let our British and European fans down”: Geddy Lee gives fans “a straight answer” about the end of Rush Exclusive: Rush's Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson are interviewed in the new issue of Classic Rock, out now
‘RuPaul’s Drag Race UK’ star The Vivienne has died, aged 32 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK star The Vivienne has died, aged 32. The drag star – real name James Lee Williams – who was given their colourful...