Dev West, hailing from the South Side of Yonkers, NY, specifically Purser Street, is a testament to the transformative power of serendipity. His musical...
Second generation K-Pop idols, U-KISS‘s Hoon and Hwang Jisun, have welcomed the birth of their first child, a baby boy. According to an exclusive report...
BLACKPINK‘s Jisoo will reportedly be joining her brother’s company, Biomom, for her solo activities. According to an exclusive report from Xportnews, Jisoo will be joining...
2022 South Korean presidential candidate and former Governer of Gyeonggi Province Lee Jae Myung was stabbed in the neck by an individual. While visiting a...
When BTS released their previews for their 2022 Season’s Greetings, it sent fans into a frenzy. The Season’s Greetings saw BTS dressed up as bad boys,...