IU And Byun Woo Seok Confirmed To Star In Upcoming Romance K-Drama IU and Byun Woo Seok are confirmed to star in an upcoming romance K-Drama. In an official statement from Kakao Entertainment, both IU and Byun...
Jack Harlow Covered Elvis Presley’s ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love,’ And It Sparked A Viral Reaction From Users Online Getty Image In between quality time with friends and family, Jack Harlow spent some of his holiday time with fans. On November 28 and 29,...
Types Of Music Majors & Programs in College 2022 If you’re a high school student with a strong passion for music, you might consider going into a music program in college. When it comes...
K-Pop Idol’s Alleged Girlfriend Adds Fans To A Group Chat With Him More rumors surrounding DRIPPIN‘s Minseo have grown to include fan interactions. DRIPPIN’s Minseo | Woolim Entertainment In late November, photos and videos allegedly showing Minseo...
Kendrick Lamar Transcends Drake Beef & Unifies The West Coast With New Project ‘GNX’ [Review] Source: Dave Free / pgLang Kendrick Lamar created what could be explained as a seismic event in his dismantling of Drake, and the embers are...
“The guy’s a complete prick!… He’s very damaged. He’s obviously very, very deeply insecure”: Roger Waters lashes out at Thom Yorke over Israel-Palestine stance Former Pink Floyd man Roger Waters does not hold back