Eddie Murphy will play funk legend George Clinton in an upcoming biopic directed by Bill Condon. The script, written by Virgil Williams, is based on...
LE SSERAFIM‘s recently shared teaser images and trailer for their upcoming Japanese comeback have been met with backlash from both international and Korean fans. The...
Although Cardi B has always been vocal about politics, there are still naysayers who believe that she only discusses candidates when it benefits her. Early...
In a recent episode of comedian Shin Dong Yup‘s YouTube series, “Zzanbro,” actress Han Ye Seul graced the set and revealed all about her married life. Actress Han...
రష్యా అధ్యక్షుడు పుతిన్ ఆహ్వానం మేరకు అక్టోబర్ 22, 23 తేదీల్లో ఆ దేశంలోని కజాన్ వేదికగా జరిగే 16వ బ్రిక్స్ సమ్మిట్లో మోదీ పాల్గొననున్నారు. ‘గ్లోబల్ … Continue Readingరష్యా అధ్యక్షుడు పుతిన్...