[Exclusive Interview] THE RAMPAGE Scores Another No. 1 with “24karats GOLD GENESIS”

[Exclusive Interview] THE RAMPAGE Scores Another No. 1 with “24karats GOLD GENESIS”

THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE once again mesmerizes the music world as their latest single, “24karats GOLD GENESIS,” ascends to the summit of the Oricon Weekly Singles Ranking. Released on July 24th, this achievement signifies their second chart-topping hit of 2024, solidifying their supremacy in the Japanese music industry. With a remarkable 220,000 copies sold in its first week, THE RAMPAGE continues to enchant fans and critics alike.

Following the success of their earlier hit “CyberHelix,” “24karats GOLD GENESIS” showcases powerful lyrics centered on legacy, a dynamic hip-hop sound infused with funk rock elements, and the group’s signature blend of smooth melodies and chilled rap. Each of the 16 members shines brilliantly, delivering an escalating intensity throughout the track.

KpopWise had the exclusive chance to sit down with the group and explore how they’re setting new trends in the music world. Their latest single, “24karats GOLD GENESIS,” is already generating buzz, indicating that the group is on the brink of achieving even greater milestones in their career.


KW: Hi, THE RAMPAGE! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us and congratulations on ’24karats GOLD GENESIS’ reaching the top of the Oricon Weekly Singles Ranking! How does it feel to achieve your second No. 1 hit of 2024?

KAZUMA KAWAMURA: Thank you so much. I appreciate all the support from the fans. I’m happy with the results so far, but I wanna work even harder and keep getting better.

TAKAHIDE SUZUKI: We are very happy to have achieved the No. 1 position on the Oricon Charts! It’s not so much about us. I think we won the achievement thanks to the cooperation of our fans and the people around us. I would like to continue to be an artist who is supported by many people!

KW: Could you share insights into the creative process behind “24karats GOLD GENESIS”? What inspired the lyrics and the distinctive combination of hip-hop, funk rock, and smooth melodies?

SHOGO YAMAMOTO: 24karats has been expressing the comprehensive entertainment that combines music and fashion, in line with the theme of STREET SPORTS that EXILE has started up and performed. While maintaining the traditional concept of strength and eternal brilliance, 24karats will be reborn in the year 2024. THE RAMPAGE’s aggressiveness and sharp brilliance have been added and it is reborn as 24karats GOLD GENESIS. The new logo and the participation of a derivative rap unit called MA55IVE THE RAMPAGE give 24karats a different shine from its predecessors!

RIKU: STY, who has been producing the 24karats series for our seniors, has also worked on this song. The theme is “formal succession”, and the lyric is with respect to EXILE, and our determination to keep on shining. There is a singing part, a rap part, and a dance part, which we can express only because we are the group we are today. In other words, I think we were able to embody a form that other groups could not. We also carried Hiro’s wish “EXILE forever” on our backs as we produced this album.

KW: Each member of THE RAMPAGE brings their own unique shine to this single. How do you manage to highlight individual talents while ensuring a cohesive group sound and visual presentation?

SHOGO IWAYA: Since there are 16 of us, who each have strong personalities, in this group, we face no challenge in highlighting the individual talents of each member. Rather, we make sure to always keep the group together and cohesive. However, it is difficult to keep 16 people with rich personalities facing in the same direction at all times, so it could be challenging at times. In these times, we are supported by the five years we spent together in the dormitory. All the members lived together under one roof and ate from the same pot. Through this process, we unified the direction of the arrow that we were aiming for as a group. In this age of convenience, where we are inundated with information, the classic bonds we have built have been very useful. We will continue to do our best to deliver our entertainment to the world with strong bonds with one another.

TAKUMA GOTO: The song “24karats” has been passed down through the generations in LDH. We, the members of THE RAMPAGE, have grown up watching and admiring 24karats since we were small children. Each member understands the branding and texture of 24karats. Each member expresses NEO24karats through their own filter, which makes them stand out from the rest. I think this is the reason why we have been able to create a cohesive group while making each individual stand out.

KW: How has your music evolved from your previous releases like ‘CyberHelix’ and ‘FULLMETAL TRIGGER’ to ’24karats GOLD GENESIS’? What new elements did you explore in this single?

RYU: We have various genres of music. We are always trying to create something that is unique to us against the current of the times. Our strength is live performance, so we are always updating our music to make it more powerful and exciting at live performances. We are always thinking about how to incorporate what we feel from major artists into our music.

MAKOTO HASEGAWA: Each time we release a song, the range of our music is expanding more and more. We are now able to perform in all genres that we could not express in the past after 10 years of our formation. In this “24karats GOLD GENESIS”, the composition pays homage to the original EXILE’s “24karats” series of songs, and incorporates fresh elements that express old expressions in a modern and THE RAMPAGE-like way.

“24karats GOLD GENESIS” Music Video

KW: The album versions of ’24karats GOLD GENESIS’ include behind-the-scenes footage. What do you hope fans will take away from seeing the creative process and the making of the music video?

ITSUKI FUJIWARA: I hope you can feel our thoughts and feelings about this shoot and our spirit now that we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our formation.

SHOHEI URAKAWA: It is a historical event in our company to inherit 24karats from our seniors. Since we couldn’t go into the production in a half-baked state, we had more rehearsal time than usual. Each member of the team worked hard to get in shape and put all their energy into this work! We hope that you, our fans, will follow our strong will to pave the way for a new era. We will do our best to make you proud of supporting us.

KW: With the success of ’24karats GOLD GENESIS,’ what’s next for THE RAMPAGE? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you can share with us?

RUI YONAMINE: Our goal as a group is to do a dome tour! And to do a world tour! Since last year, we have started our activities overseas, mainly in Asia, so we have more opportunities to meet RAVERS overseas. Along with the momentum of this song, of course, including our Japanese fans, I want fans to see THE RAMPAGE’s performance live. As for collaborations, nothing has been decided yet. Personally, I think it would be interesting to collaborate with super DJs such as “Steve Aoki” and “Skrillex”. Tours and performances to look out for are the THROW YA FIST tour in 2019 and the “16” tour in 2023!

KAISEI TAKECHI: We would like to work hard to achieve even higher goals, and we also have a big dream of touring Asia, so we will work to make that dream come true!

KW: You’ve been recognized as leaders in the Japanese music industry. How do you see your role in shaping the future of J-pop and hip-hop in Japan?

LIKIYA: Hip-hop is very popular in Japan, mainly in the rap scene. Hip-hop is not a single word that can be summed up in a single sentence, since it has many different elements such as dance, DJ, graffiti, fashion, etc. We would like to expand our entertainment to a wider range of people who are unfamiliar with hip-hop culture!

ZIN:I don’t get the impression that recent music is tightly bound up in genres. There is no rule that says, “This is JPOP, so it has to be this way.” We deliver music that we think is cool. Deliver the message we want to convey with our music. I think this is what we, THE RAMPAGE, should be doing now!

KW: Lastly, do you have a message for your fans who have supported you through the release of ’24karats GOLD GENESIS’ and throughout your career?

HOKUTO YOSHINO: Thank you for your support! We will continue to do our best to keep everyone excited and entertained! Please listen to 24karats a lot!

KENTA KAMIYA: Thank you for your constant support! Your support has always been the driving force of our activities! With gratitude and a desire to make our dreams come true together and the desire to make our dreams come true together. We would like to tie our shoelaces even faster and harder! We still have a lot to learn, and we look forward to your continued support!

*answers were translated from Japanese.


In recent years, THE RAMPAGE has consistently delivered groundbreaking performances and chart-topping hits. Their previous successes include the electrifying “FULLMETAL TRIGGER,” which dominated the charts and airwaves, and their critically acclaimed album “REBOOT,” which redefined their musical style and earned them numerous awards. Each release has solidified their status as innovators and leaders in the industry, making their latest achievement with “24karats GOLD GENESIS” yet another testament to their enduring impact and unparalleled talent. Don’t miss out on this sensational offering from one of Japan’s most exciting groups!

Thank you for reading our interview with THE RAMPAGE! We’re deeply grateful to LDH for their continued trust in KpopWise. Don’t forget to follow THE RAMPAGE and KpopWise on your favorite social media platforms!



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