Inside the Fusion: An Exclusive Interview with OneBigMob

Inside the Fusion: An Exclusive Interview with OneBigMob

Wilmington, NC is home to many hidden gems, but few shine as brightly as OneBigMob, the newest hip-hop fusion group to make waves. With their first single, “I’m With The Fam,” just dropped, the Urban$ound Team had the chance to sit down with the dynamic quartet—Landon McClellan (vocals), TVM Killa (vocals), Shattered Legend (drums), and Nick Atkinson (guitar)—to discuss their latest project, their creative process, and what’s next for the group.

Urban$ound Team: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest project, “I’m With The Fam”?

Landon: Oh, that was a fun one. It started pretty casually. Killa and I were just chilling one morning, rolling a blunt, and watching random videos on YouTube. I stumbled upon a video of an HBCU brass section absolutely killing it with a song called “Black and Blues” at a sports event. We were so hyped that within about 45 minutes, we had chopped that sample and laid down the skeleton beat that would become “I’m With The Fam.”

Urban$ound Team: How does “I’m With The Fam” represent the evolution of OneBigMob’s sound and style?

Nick: Our earlier track “Woman Like You” had a more pop vibe, and with “I’m With The Fam,” we wanted to push that vibe further but with more edge and aggression. The sample Landon found was hype as hell, and I thought adding some arena rock guitar could elevate it even more. It’s a step forward in refining our sound and showing our growth.

Urban$ound Team: What was the collaborative process like for this track? Any memorable moments or challenges?

Legend: The process was pretty interesting. We recorded the parts separately. Landon started with the beat and his verses, Killa added his touch, and I threw in some intense drum work. Nick’s guitar riffs were incredible, and I even suggested adding a piano part at the end of the track. The real challenge was getting everything to mesh perfectly, but the trust we had in each other made it all come together beautifully.

Urban$ound Team: The title “I’m With The Fam” suggests a strong sense of unity and community. How does this theme resonate throughout the single?

TVM Killa: Since it’s our single and not an album yet, we wanted the theme of unity to be front and center. I was really into creating a call-and-response hook, and it came together naturally with our collective energy. The chorus features all of us together, capturing that sense of unity perfectly.

Landon: Absolutely. We ended up having the whole squad scream the hook in unison, and we took multiple takes to get it just right. I’m pretty sure Josh, our engineer, was blown away when he saw the final session.

Urban$ound Team: Were there any specific artists or genres that influenced the music on “I’m With The Fam”? How did they impact your creative process?

Landon: The HBCU brass section was definitely the main influence. It got us pumped up and made us think outside the box. The energy we got from that sample was the driving force behind the track. Killa and I were so excited when the 808s started hitting; it really got the creative juices flowing.

Urban$ound Team: Can you share a bit about the production and recording process for this single? Any unique approaches or techniques used?

Nick: I used the Boss GX 100 for all my tones, which is my go-to for most tracks. It helps me streamline the process without getting bogged down by gear choices. After finishing my parts, we sent the session to Josh, our engineer, who has an incredible knack for producing crystal-clear mixes. His work really complements our sound.

Urban$ound Team: “I’m With The Fam” emphasizes connection and shared experiences. How important are these elements to your music and identity as a band?

Legend: We approach every song with passion and the mindset that it could be our last. I live by the saying, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, but today is a gift.” We pour our heart and creativity into every track, which is essential to our identity as a band.

Urban$ound Team: Do you have a favorite track from the album? What makes it special to you?

TVM Killa: Well, “I’m With The Fam” is actually our second single. Our first was “Savior.” But we’ve got enough material to drop an album if we wanted. Everything we’ve done so far has been an experimental process. We’re open to the idea of an album but are eager to see how the world responds to our singles first.

Urban$ound Team: How do you envision your fans reacting to “I’m With The Fam”? What do you hope they take away from listening to it?

Nick: I’m hoping for a total apocalypse. Just kidding! (laughs) But seriously, we’re expecting the mosh pits to be insane. The track is about embracing your uniqueness and finding your place with us. If you don’t fit in, you belong with us.

Landon: Exactly. The idea is that we’re all misfits in some way. If you feel out of place, you belong with us. It’s about creating a community where everyone feels included.

Urban$ound Team: Looking ahead, what are your plans for promoting and touring with this new single? Any upcoming shows or events fans should know about?

Landon: We’re still building our identity and establishing ourselves, but we’ve got big plans. We’re keeping the internet buzzing with content, music videos, and engaging with A&Rs and labels. For now, fans should keep an eye on our YouTube channel for updates and get to know us as we grow.

Legend: And let’s just say, whoever left us unsupervised really messed up! (laughs)

TVM Killa: Agreed! We’re excited about the future and can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

With their unique blend of hip-hop, rock, and brass influences, OneBigMob is set to make a lasting impression on the music scene. Check out their new single “I’m With The Fam” on Spotify and follow the group on Instagram for the latest updates.


The post Inside the Fusion: An Exclusive Interview with OneBigMob appeared first on 24Hip-Hop.

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