On April 16, Ae! group released their single 《A》BEGINNING and became STARTO Entertainment’s newest debuted boy group to join the lineup of all-star artists.
Ae! group (Aぇ! pronounced “a group”) brings their “Ae! game” to 《A》BEGINNING’s unflaggingly aggressive mix of dance and pop-rock; accompanied by a video that sizzles with hard cuts, dramatic lighting, and each of the five members’ own signature appeal.
A physical disc drops May 15th wherever Japanese CDs are sold, featuring additional songs and behind-the-scenes video content across three separate formats as well as a bonus photobook version exclusive to the Universal Music Store, or **Find physical albums on CD Japan**
Follow Ae!
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aegroup_official_0515/
X/Twitter https://twitter.com/Aegroupofficial
Community Profile on Genius.com https://genius.com/artists/A-group
Official site https://starto.jp/aegroup