Italian Gothic Rockers Date at Midnight Return with Uncanny Video for “Fading Into This Grace”

Italian Gothic Rockers Date at Midnight Return with Uncanny Video for “Fading Into This Grace”

In the time it takes to misplace your favourite black eyeliner (that’s about five years if you have a secret compartment in your makeup drawer), the Italian architects of all things gloriously gloomy, Date at Midnight, have been conspicuously MIA. But fear not, this ensemble of macabre misfits is slinking back into the moonlight., with May 3rd heralding the unleashing of their new LP, Fading Into This Grace, upon the world, courtesy of Manic Depression Records.

This brooding quartet, emerging from the shadowy lanes of Rome, features Daniele De Angelis with his otherworldly vocals, Pasquale Vico on the bass and synthesizers, Francesco Mignogna with his commanding percussion, and Manuel Mazzenga on the guitar and synthesizers. Since their formation in 2007, they’ve been penning a dark tribute to the luminaries of gothic rock. Picture a gathering where the somber tunes of Joy Division shadows intertwine with Bauhaus’ spectral presence, Sisters of Mercy’s haunting echoes blend with The Cure’s melancholic laments, all enshrouded by the iciness Christian Death, Fields of the Nephilim, and Mephisto Walz. This band is a revival of the deep, theatrical essence of classic gothic rock, with each note a homage to its dusky magnificence.

Date at Midnight is dialing up the drama and serving us a slice of the uncanny with their latest single, Another Grace, with enough edge to slice through the thickest of existential fog. This is a tracks so theatrical and relentless, it could wake the dead or at least get them tapping a bony foot.

Another Grace asks hard philosophical questions: In these dark times, is there room for a different kind of grace? A grace that’s not just about light at the end of the tunnel but finding a strange beauty in the tunnel itself? Date at Midnight invites you to ponder this as you sway to their symphony, leaving you with a lingering sense of wonder – and perhaps, just a touch of delicious unease.

The music video, directed by Sara Antal, Mattia Caterina, and Alessia Pirrottinais, an eerie nod to odd fellows David Lynch and Tim Burton, as we are lured through a dreamscape where innocence and hope take a detour into the bizarre. This version of Alice In Wonderland contains walls lined with velvet drapes and creepy hooded figures – and every shadow whispers a secret.

Watch the video for Another Grace below:

Since their inception in 2007, Date at Midnight has been carving a path across Europe, gracing stages in countries like Italy, the UK, Germany, Spain, and beyond. Along the way, they’ve rubbed shoulders with an eclectic array of acts, from the timeless echoes of And Also The Trees and Christian Death to the modern sounds of She Past Away and Fields of The Nephilim. Whether sharing the stage with the likes of Diary of Dreams and The Chameleons or weaving spells alongside Geometric Vision and Spiritual Front, Date at Midnight has ensured that their live shows etch a blend of passion and theatrical flair into the hearts of their audience.

Fading Into This Grace skillfully blends the quintessence of post-punk, darkwave, and gothic rock into a tumultuous cascade of sound: imagine the poignant intensity of a witching hour meeting between despair and euphoria. This album emerges from years of artistic evolution and magnetic live performances across Europe, reaching its zenith through a collaboration with the iconic William Faith, who lent his mastering magic to the mix.

Set for release in both CD and LP formats, along with availability on all digital platforms, Fading Into This Grace will launch a pre-order campaign on April 5th.

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