Introduction: In the heart of Washington DC, amidst the struggles of urban life, emerged a voice that refuses to be silenced. Meet Ellijah McCray, better...
Introducing the Los Angeles-based Darkwave duo, It Spoke In Tongues, who are making waves with their latest single, “Inferior and Human”. This track is the...
Recently, netizens have accused HYBE Labels of using AI-generated art for a teaser video of its upcoming girl group, ILLIT. ILLIT | @illit_official/Instagram The group, which...
Cardi B recently chatted with Speedy Morman for his 360 With Speedy show, where she revealed why her previously teased collaboration with Ice Spice for...
These days, most K-Pop artists only actively promote the title track from new albums on music shows, and sometimes even the promotional period is surprisingly...