QRIMOLE – March 2024

It’s time for QRIMOLE, the series where readers ask Kpopalypse questions! Let’s take a look at the mailbag for this month!

what are your thoughts on the “dark side of kpop”? I don’t mean the actual dark side of it, but those video essays etc, often made by non-kpop stans.

A lot of the time those essays are made with a pretty clear agenda in mind, of exposing the “horrible hypercapitalist k-pop machine” etc, but not because they want to better the system, just because they have a bone to pick with the existence of k-pop in general. Also they tend to conflate personal taste (“I don’t like the music, it’s fake/corporate/etc”) with how the feel about the industry (“I don’t like the business, it’s fake/corporate/etc”), which is the easiest way to tell if they’re being written by a biased amateur, if they can’t separate opinion from fact. Now while the k-pop machine actually is pretty awful in a lot of ways and the things brought up in these essays and videos are often correct, it also leaves out the other side which is that the industry can work well for people suited to it, there are niches that can be found where people can do well, and that occasionally the songs are good. It’s some people’s dream to be in the industry and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t pursue it. It’s not that different to video essays about the adult entertainment industry that you often see – they’re clearly written with an anti-porn agenda right from the beginning, so if they’re only looking for that kind of information then of course that’s all they’re going to find. People sometimes lump me in with this “dark side” stuff but my content isn’t really like that, I’m more interested in showing “every side”, showing the good AND the bad in as realistic a way as I can, so people can make informed decisions about what works and what doesn’t, so they can decide where and if they want to get involved with in the business. Of course k-pop fans are used to the propaganda and only seeing the “good” so any view that has a little bit of nuance to it (maybe every song by your bias isn’t great) tends to get lumped in with the “bad”. Agencies don’t do themselves any favours either by being so secretive and reinforcing this “show the good only, or else” approach, because in the absence of full information of course people are going to assume the very worst. As much as people don’t like what happens behind closed doors at the big agencies, those agencies would probably actually have more respect from fans and the general public alike if they were just frankly open and honest about their processes, plus open to reform of some of the worst aspects. Because this doesn’t happen, the industry has zero respect among the general population, so the “dark side” documentaries will continue. But in my eyes the problem isn’t even so much the industry itself, but the industry’s secrecy, combined with the fact that because of the culture we live in which idolises fame for no reason, people view k-pop with such rose-coloured glasses. As a result, people often don’t understand what they’re really getting into until it’s too late.

What do you think of the movies Perfect Blue and Black Swan, coming from a music/entertainment insider? I’ve heard a lot of people raving about Satoshi Kon’s movies, so I’m curious to know what you didn’t like about Perfect Blue. I haven’t watched it myself but did hear that it gets pretty abstract towards the end.

Can’t comment on Black Swan, haven’t seen it. The last time I watched Perfect Blue was when it was first released on VHS in Australia, so this is going back a while and my memory of it isn’t good. I thought it was typical anime dogshit which fell prey to the usual weaknesses that all Japanese anime outside of Miyazaki’s work has – a plot which had promise but delivered in a needlessly confusing way, thinly-veiled misogyny, lazy animation quality. I was bored by it and it was a struggle to get through. I’m actually interested in checking out Black Swan as I’ve heard the plot arc of both are similar. The idea of watching a live-action Perfect Blue by a director who actually knows what he’s doing is appealing, because the story of Perfect Blue was actually okay, it was the way that story was delivered to the viewer that was the problem.

What to do when you have a socially stunted friend who’s constantly having relationship trouble with people, some of whom they’ve only met online? They literally can’t stop talking about it. It’s been going on for 2 years. I’ve run out of sympathy and things to say. I don’t want to ditch them because they’re dear to me, but when I ask “what’s up” it’s never “just chilling” or something, it’s always more talk about breakups or arguments with friends.

Well, do they know this annoys you? If not, you only have yourself to blame here. Why not start actually pointing out how annoying and repetitive they’re being about it, if you don’t call it out they won’t change. You don’t need to be nice about it either, just tell them that you love them but it’s fucking annoying. At least then they might try to curtail it a bit.

So I’ve been playing with Reaper a lot and was wondering how I could make it as a freelance composer.

I’ve been trying it out kind of lightly because I got introduced to this game jam website where there are regular competitions for people to develop games on teams and they like to find team members through the forums and music composers aren’t sought after a lot and I do have to compete with others who have a bigger and better sounding portfolio then I do.

Though, I managed to get onboard with 2 projects. One of them fell through but there is one game out there with my music in it which is honestly pretty cool since even if it’s a hastily made adventure puzzle game that’s still in the development process, I’m pretty thrown I have music in a video game now, lol

I’ve also tried my luck with some projects on upwork but haven’t gotten any replies from any of them, probably due to my lack of experience. I’m still fairly new to how Reaper actually works and learning how to use all of the different effects it can provide is definitely a lot. I managed to even find the behind the scenes of one of my favorite K-pop songs and they put in so much on just one track and even just one note sometimes, so I still have a lot to learn

I guess I’m just asking for general pointers. I guess the best is just to keep making music and keep trying to connect with people and see what sticks.

Here’s my soundcloud if you have any comments on that but if not, it’s okay either way. I haven’t updated it in a while because I went through a really bad depressive spell in the past couple of months but now I feel like I’m well enough to keep building on this more now.

I’ve never used Reaper so can’t advise you on how the software works, mind you DAWs aren’t radically different in design from one to the next, they all basically follow the same principles. Continuing to just experiment with things is a good idea, don’t be afraid to venture out a bit, you probably won’t break anything. Listening to your tracks, they’re cool but one thing I would suggest is try to incorporate more acoustically-recorded (i.e with microphones) instruments into your mixes. Everything straight into the desk isn’t a crime but it’s good to hear some room ambience that isn’t artificial occasionally. Most of the great electronic tracks are actually combinations of electronics and live recorded sounds.

As far as getting yourself out there, you’ve already got a computer game track under your belt so that’s a start, just keep pushing your stuff out there and also update your Soundcloud. Probably pare it down a bit too, you don’t need 25 tracks on it, just focus on the absolute best tracks you have, the things that can really showcase what you do. Then shop that around. See my interview with AZODi for more information on how to successfully network with people who make projects etc, he dropped a lot of practical advice for artists in that interview.

Every time I listen to a Blackpink song, there’s a really shrill sort of dog whistle sound at the beginning, almost like if you turn on an amp and don’t do anything with it for a while? Not sure how to describe it. Anyway, this has been perplexing me for a while, as you and every other K-pop listener on Earth praise Teddy’s production quality. Am I the only one hearing this sound? Am I a dog? Is everyone else seeing something I’m not? Why should I care so much about Teddy again (on a purely technical level)? Ty ty xoxo

It’s hard to know what you mean specifically as you haven’t provided examples of where this appears and where it doesn’t (I assume it’s not every song of theirs). Also consider your playback device, what are you listening to it through, and how? There’s a few factors here. If you can give me specific examples and timestamps as well as other songs where it doesn’t happen I can begin to narrow it down.

Oppar, I hate how disrespectful elderly female doctors are to me. I address them in a very formal way (my language has a formal and informal version of “you”), meanwhile they call me pet names, sort of like “sweetie” and “cutie”, use the informal you, talk to me like I’m 10, and act condescending. I think it’s because I look younger than I am (23), and also look and sound very nervous which makes it obvious I’m timid. Gynaecologists are the worst, though, because they INSIST you’ll randomly go baby-crazy and have one (ew). How the hell do I stand up for myself when I’m so anxious it makes me want to vomit?

It’s that generation I guess. I’d personally be very nice to anyone who was poking around with my bits and just tolerate it. For the same reason you should never be rude to someone who serves you food – they can ruin your day a lot easier than you can ruin theirs. Going to the gyno isn’t going to be fun no matter how you slice it so just learn to not give a fuck because they’re not going to change (unless they read this and even then they probably won’t). Of course I’ve never dealt with this situation though. Perhaps other readers can share stories about gyno-wrangling and how they handled it.

When do you feel like your chops as a musician peaked? A lot of my friends keep complaining that they peaked in music school since they just practiced then and now they’re too busy gigging…I’m the same, but I feel like the gigging made me better than the practicing? I know your music school experience was pretty different from mine so maybe that part is less relevant.

I’d say I definitely reached a plateau in late high school and straight after when I was unemployed because I had tons of time to practice and no other real responsibilities. I’m better now than then but only because my job is partially playing instruments so I kind of have to practice now, but the progression from late high school days to now, while still there, has definitely levelled off from the first few years.

This is just talking about technique though. I’d argue that the practical aspects of musicianship (learning to play with others etc) are actually more valuable than this, and on that level I think I’ve only ever gone up at a consistent rate. Just know that no matter how good you get, you’ll probably never be truly happy with your skills, that’s quite normal. We’re always learning.

Do you think k-pop groups incorporate clapping into their choreography as a way to show that they’re singing live on music shows? (And is that a reliable way to tell whether they’re singing live on music shows, or just an indication that the clapping is live?) I’ve noticed this most recently in NMIXX’s performances of “Run for Roses,” such as here at 1:10 and 2:28:

First question, no.

Second question, it only tells you if the microphone is on (most of the time), not if someone is actually singing into it. In the video above, NMIXX are definitely singing live (over a partial vocal backing track mind you), and you can tell it’s live because the singing really isn’t all that great. That’s not their fault, it’s damn hard to sing and do a very physical dance routine like that at the same time. It’s a really good effort considering what they have to contend with.

What do you think of Carly Rae Jepsen? I personally think she has a great discography. Run Away With Me and Talking to Yourself are some of her standouts.

I don’t mind some of the stuff I’ve heard but I’ll be totally honest, I haven’t really checked out a lot of what she does. Too busy keeping up with the k-pops.

Where does sampling go in the music plagiarism box? I know sounding the same isn’t plagiarism, but if you’re using a part of someone else’s music directly, then it’d change things, right? But, I also know a lot of pop music uses just a couple of chords, and some genres use even fewer chords and would die without sampling.

Sampling is a big topic and I might make it the next thing in the music theory series, because this question deserves more than a QRIMOLE length answer. I did touch on this a bit in the plagiarism posts years ago, but I think it really belongs in music theory, because determining whether someone else sampled something or not is far less interesting than determining what you can do with samples.

I read the loli hentai questions from previous Qrimoles. I’m not a pedophile, but for some reason, I also get off on forbidden stuff. My kinks are basically the opposite of my morality, with the worse they are, the hornier I feel. I get off on blackmail and cheating, for example. Is there something wrong with me? I feel disgusted every time, but I can’t help but feel this way. Something about being forbidden and immoral as fuck gets me off like nothing else, and I’m worried I’ll eventually take this to a real life relationship.

This is so unbelievably common you have no idea. The forbidden is always sexy, even if it’s something that you’d never do in real life. Speaking of which JAV of the month for February is FSDSS-687.

What devil do I have to contract with to make Gfriend reunite? Can you imagine how good the girls would look with Viviz’s stylists? Also, obviously, every Yerin and Yuju release makes me want to die, so I need them to get better songwriters.

The one that they sung about in MAGO presumably.

Are the girls in Mamamoo gay, and does that mean someone like me has a chance? I’m asking for a friend who shares a lot of my interests.

Moonbyul all but signed a sworn affidavit admitting her gayness when she told a fan that she had a girlfriend on stage right in the middle of a concert. Hopefully she will notice you.

Do you have any orchestral music recommendations? I find it really hard to tell what’s “good” and what’s “bad.” Obviously, music’s subjective, but I want to have some idea to understand the thought behind the music writing.

Well it’s all very subjective of course. I guess if you want “bad” just listen to anything SM Entertainment’s orchestral project does, or Michael Kamen. If you want good, I’d personally go for Angelo Badalamenti, who does a lot of the soundtrack work for David Lynch’s films.

Massive spoilers for Doki Doki Literature Club ahead:

Have you ever heard of Monika After Story?

It’s a mod that lets you just continue interacting with Monika for the rest of the game with its own unique ending. While I really do like the DDLC ending, I must admit the conversations with Monika were my favorite parts of the game.

Wasn’t aware. I’m not into visual novels that much. While I thought the ideas in DDLC were actually really cool, I’m not someone who is going to go through and play all the extra content etc. The point was made successfully in the initial game, it really doesn’t need any extra content (except to make money for the creator of course, which is not a bad thing as I can’t believe the original is free tbh, it’s honestly worth throwing them a few dollars if you can afford it).

Eunha always looks incredible, but she sometimes creates some beautiful cleavage and volume in her chest. Is she pushing her breasts up?

Well she’s getting a lot of help there from that industrial strength top which no doubt also has a bra underneath. There’s obviously going to be some push-up effect of some description even if the clothes aren’t designed to “push up” specifically. The lighting and angles also helps – note how the video creator has used on the most volume-enhancing moments for the thumbnail where the light catches her cleavage just right, in most of the actual video itself she doesn’t look as busty as that.

How many women do you know go to the gym, and of that number, how many train to lift heavy? I had a surgery this month, and for recovery, I really want to build up proper strength. No other women I know are interested in lifting; they all merely care about toning. I’ve been weak my entire life, and I feel weaker than ever, which has been the biggest push for me to finally try to get stronger for the first time ever.

I know quite a few, out of the ones I do know, most are in it to simply lose weight and nothing else, some are into it for toning, and only one of them was actually specifically interested in building muscle, mind you she actually went all the way with it and won a bodybuilding competition. Having seen a few of her bodybuilding photos from the event there’s no way that she got that physique without doing either lifting or some other kind of equivalent muscle resistance work. It’s definitely a niche thing that not many women are into but who says you can’t get into it?

So I’m a bit skeptical about your stance that social media activism is just performative and useless until yesterday. I don’t even like Taylor Swift but I was flabbergasted with the way people pile on her for her use of private jet. Plenty of other celebrities including Beyonce also used private jets but I don’t see a 100k likes tweet calling Beyonce a “carbon emission queen”. Wow. It was like what you said, people seems to find any flimsy excuse to hate on female celebrity with the disguise of activism. My question is, how do I do actual useful activism? Environment and animals are my special interest especially. I don’t want to be just another twitter activist frothing at the mouth with no meaningful contribution.

Best way I can think of to do meaningful activism is to keep as far away from the online space as possible and do that activism in your local community. There’s bound to be animal welfare and environmental organisations in your local area who are actually doing real tangible stuff. Do a bit of research and see what sort of options you have for getting involved.

Hey Kpopalypse, this is the reader who sent the question about Taylor Swift hate on Twitter. Just wanted to add some things in case some readers misunderstood my question. The first part of my question is not an attack on Beyonce just yo be clear. I put her name just because she was the first celebrity who popped in my head. I could’ve put Travis Scott or Jay Z there too. It was an more of a rant against people who seems to rather witch hunt 1 specific celebrity. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather celebrities not use private jet. But I believe vilifying onlu Taylor Swift won’t make any meaningful change.

Disclaimer wasn’t necessary but I’ll leave it in because we know what fandoms are like. Taylor Swift is witch-hunted because she’s kind of progressive-ish so anything she does that’s perceived as not progressive and maybe hypocritical, the right-wing astroturfing troll farms will latch onto it and push it like wildfire, until real people see all the posts, pick up the same issue and continue the push long enough for it take a life of its own outside the troll farm. (Some discussion about this in last months’ QRIMOLE.) They definitely want to take down any popular progressive-leaning cultural icon, Taylor is a key target for them.

What do you think about Ex Factor by miss Lauryn Hill? Hate asking that “what do you think about X song?” BUT that song deservers a exception because i think its THE r&b song of all time and im also not a big r&b fan just like you but this shit is moody and fantastic. Also remember reading somewhere in your blog about your liking the fugees and the album the this song came from so maybe im no making you hate your existence that much lol

I hate it, to me it’s the epitome of a rambling R&B song that literally goes nowhere at all, it’s so utterly empty. Lauryn just semi-improvs layered vocals over that one beat that never changes, with only the tiniest of harmony difference at the end to add interest, it’s just not enough. “The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill” has some good tracks but this isn’t one of them. I’d pick “Lost Ones” as the standout track from that album, can hear the birth of Little Simz here…

How much time do you generally give yourself to revise/copyedit posts? Don’t just say “it depends”; I know you don’t give a shit what QRIMOLE ends up looking like, I’m wondering about the other stuff.

It depends, but I’ll clarify so you don’t get upset. Roundup I don’t give a fuck either, I just once-over for spelling mistakes, usually after I’ve posted it. Longer important feature stuff like year-end lists, music theory, things like that, I care more. If I notice a typo and it’s not in QRIMOLE or roundup I’ll usually go in there and fix it. Interviews I care most of all because I don’t want to misrepresent someone else’s words, I want them to be accurate to what they said. But all that editing still happens after publication, I don’t set aside time for revision before they go out.

Excited for love carousel! I hope we find out what Ijun’s deal is!

You’ll definitely find out more stuff about her, but not everything, Ijun’s story is an ultra-long plot arc that will go through all four novels.

update on trying to get this man to propose to me within the next two years!! we’ve had a frank discussion on what we’re expecting from our future (kids, jobs, work/life schedules, etc.) and so far everything is looking good and compatible. i’ve met his family and he’s called mine (my family lives very far away) and both sides are supportive of our relationship. we’re still young (prefrontal cortex not yet developed fully) so there’s no real rush, but it’s something that’s definitely on the table. we’re sexually active, we go on romantic dates, we communicate well and defuse arguments peacefully. we also have our own separate lives and friend groups, we both enjoy talking to each other about inane random things, and there’s no sign of bad blood or past trauma. i really really think this is the one.

as a wise and mature old geezer, do you have any advice? any other questions to ask each other to check compatability again?

Yes, don’t get married. Not ‘locking someone in’ means that they have to go the extra mile to always please you and vice versa, if either of you can leave at any time it stops you both getting complacent and will make for a healthier relationship overall. But I know you won’t listen to that, so if you’re going to get married, I would just say live together first (doesn’t have to be permanent, a few weeks of togetherness will do) to see how that goes before tying the knot because the dynamic can change a lot when you spend ALL your time together instead of just the most fun times. Couples who stay together do it not because they enjoy the fun stuff (because we all enjoy that) but because they handle the tough unfun parts of being together better.

How good are QWER’s guitar skills?

Fine as far as I can tell. I just put a random video here. They’re not doing very demanding stuff mind you, but they sound fine for what they’re doing. It’s possible that they can play better than what their live footage indicates, because not everyone who plays on a stage plays to the maximum of their ability at all times. There’s plenty of highly technically skilled players slumming it in punk groups.

Any thoughts about Richard James Burgess’s books on music production? I’m sure you had to read SOMETHING for your degrees, maybe it was all shite but if any of it was good that would be cool to know.

Nope, never read them! When I was doing my audio engineering degree his books were very new and not part of the curriculum. So what did we use instead? Nothing! Audio engineering degrees themselves were also quite new at this time! There were NO textbooks for audio engineering used during my entire degree!

Thoughts on this super cute innocent stayc tiktok? (or reel, perhaps.)

This is what happens when you try to do a dance video in your dorm but your living conditions are so crowded that you can barely make enough space for yourself between the beds. The True Miracle Entertainment dorm economisation is real!

Hello oppar, I hope things are going well for you! I’ll be patiently waiting for Love Carousel and more Hana antics.
Let me start my question now! Sorry in advance for the ramblings~
I’m currently halfway through college, majoring in Business Analytics in a Bachelors of Business Administration degree program. And I keep having doubts. My academics are just average, currently around like 3.4 out of 4 gpa. My high school scores are dismal (75%) and I don’t think I have done spectacular CV-worthy things either, so the next probable step of an MBA will be hard to achieve.
But more than that, my greatest issue is that my people skills are lacking. I don’t have common interests with people (hence me coming here, heh) and I don’t particularly like (or even know how to) maintain relationships with acquaintances or network with people. I do know that I am a smart person and once push comes to shove, I will get the work done. I don’t think I am particularly socially shy, I just can’t be bothered, so my people skills are a little rough.
Nowadays though, I feel like maybe my personality isn’t a good match for my degree. Even if I know all the facts and how to do the work, people with more social capital and social connections to draw experience from will succeed easier than me. It’s not even like I am particularly ambitious too. I just want to live a stable life with a stable income so that after the daily slog of capitalism, I get the chance to live independently. My parents will stop trying to get me married only I am settled in life, and I also have a personal reason – I am a closeted lesbian so yeaaaa. (I live in India if it gives more context.) I don’t even want a lot of money though, I just want enough to do the things I want. Even such a simple dream seems out of my hands in this rat race where everyone is a thousand times better than me. I don’t want to be a “hustler”, but there’s just too much competition.
I’m not sure if I made the right decision with this degree because even though I am atleast not failing in the acads and I do find it interesting enough, my introverted personality will make things harder for me. What should I do? Have I made the right decision? Or am I just worrying too much? Or will I end up failing so my parents will just ship me off to some rich man and I would have to babysit him all my life?
Do give your thoughts. I know this isn’t your area of expertise but you are one of the people I know who is willing to listen to my worries so I thought of asking you.
Really appreciate all your posts and your books.
Thanks for always being a caring cunt!

I think you are worrying too much. Not without reason though, but the thing you have to consider is that the reasons why you are second-guessing your career path are actually reasons that are not unique to the career path that you’ve chosen. “People with more social capital and social connections to draw experience from will succeed easier than me”, that’s true everywhere, in every job you can think of. It’s definitely true in my field. However you also have real skills that are useful that other people might not have, and that those more “social” people often are going to need. “I do know that I am a smart person and once push comes to shove, I will get the work done.” – you sound like the type of person who wouldn’t go to water in a crisis and can handle pressure, that’s a lot rarer than you might think. Recent events in the k-pop world should drive home how rare yet important that is in my field, it’s performance anxiety and pressure that kills a lot of music careers, not lack of ability. So I just think don’t sell yourself short and don’t be shy about putting your foot in the door for things. People skills can be learned so it doesn’t matter if you’re introvert or not, it may never truly be in your comfort zone (it’s not in mine and boy is my industry all about “who you know”) and socially adept types probably will always have that part of the job easier, but you can still learn enough to navigate that type of world.

In reference to this post, do you think you’ll be switching from WordPress?

No. I assumed that all companies already do this, and that web-scraping AI is going to be training itself on all our content whether we like it or not. I don’t think changing hosting provider will necessarily change this. If you read the full article, they are adding an option so you can opt out of this kind of collection, so I think that’s a step in the right direction. But honestly, AI bots are going to be scraping my stuff anyway, they have been doing this for years already.

So Karina has committed the cardinal sin of *gasp* not being a big ole lesbian. Sometimes I think the LGBTQ+ community (of which I am a part) does more harm to itself than good. Kpop fans especially like to claim idols and then get pissed when they’re at the very least bisexual and date someone of the same sex. They scream queerbaiting when queerbaiting is not something a real person can do. And yet the fanservice that is basically required of idols these days makes that line very blurry that even a hag like me can get carried away sometimes. My question is, I guess, how the heck did that blatant kind of fanservice even get started? I’ve only been a kpop fan since 2019, so I’m wondering if there is a definitive moment or group that can be looked back on and said yep, that’s where it all began? If not, who in your opinion made the best use of it first?

Personally I would squarely point the finger at Super Junior and their late 2000 era sweat-drenched live stages featuring ultimate closet gay icon Choi Siwon plus whoever his rampaging hormones told him to get down with at any given moment. I’m not sure who the first female equivalent would be, but I’m sure my readers have strong opinions on it and they should let us know in the comments below!



RIP Shinsadong Tiger. I looked back on his discography and he made a lot of hits that I enjoyed.

As a fellow musician who jizzed all over (some) of his music, can you provide a perspective on common musical aspects/technical or theoretical stuff that were frequently noticeable in his work?

He wrote pop songs and he didn’t really follow current trends in pop songwriting. Back when everybody was doing dubstep, he mostly wasn’t. Back when everyone was slowing their beats down to 23 BPM because Blackpink was, he mostly wasn’t. He drew on a lot of styles at times when they weren’t really trending. Tracks like T-ara’s “Sexy Love” and EXID’s “DDD”  don’t really sound like a lot of other songs from around the same time period that they were released. Most of all he always did melody, a “pure shouting” track doesn’t really exist in his catalog, not to my knowledge anyway.

Keep in mind though, and I say this over and over again, I don’t follow who writes what, most of the time, and I usually only know because my readers tell me. I think it’s pointless to follow one songwriter for various reasons that I’ve outlined in previous QRIMOLEs. So my observations might not be completely accurate. I just take the songs as they come, where they come from doesn’t matter to me a whole lot as long as they’re good.


Hello! I usually don’t read your nugu alert posts (shocking, I’m sure) but happened to click on the last one and saw you wanted tips for anal sex so as a gay man and somewhat of an expert, thought I could offer some advice. I usually top but I’m been versatile enough over the years to have experience and hopefully some solid tips. First up I suppose is that it Will hurt at least a little bit at first no matter what you do especially if you’ve never done anal before. Take your time as much as possible with prep and fingering, it will help the more relaxed and ready you are, and you can start as slowly as you need to and then work your way up from there. I would aim to be taking three or even four fingers comfortably before you reach for the dildo or strap on. Lube is your best friend and there is no such thing as too much If you’re think you’re using too much lube you can use some more. I find being on my elbows and knees (like all fours but a but lowered) the most comfortable position and the easiest to start out with also. Hope these help! Best of luck getting fucked, man

Cheers, thanks for your information!

more cat pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls


post another pic of cat or else i’ll come into your house in the middle of the night and punch you in the face

What makes you think my cat is not prepared for that scenario. Remember I am the provider of food and treats. Those who threaten the sustenance supply of the beast visit precarious territory.

stare into the eyes of a killer

That’s all for this episode of QRIMOLE! This series will return next month!

Oh, and do you have a question that you’d like to see answered in the next episode of QRIMOLE? If so, use the question box below, or if no box appears, click the Qri on the sidebar to open the box as a separate webpage! Kpopalypse will return!

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