In a devastating incident that unfolded near Anseong on the Gyeongbu Expressway today, tragedy struck as a detached truck wheel careened into a tourist bus — resulting in the loss of two lives and injuries to several others.
The tragic event took place around 4:09 p.m. near Gongdo-up, Anseong City, at the 358.5 km mark toward Busan. Reports from the fire department indicate that a truck traveling in the direction of Seoul suffered the detachment of one of its wheels, setting off a chain of catastrophic events.
Photo for illustrative purposes only. | Adobe Stock
The detached wheel, propelled with frightening force, pierced through the front windshield of the tourist bus, which was en route to Busan at the time. The impact was immediate and devastating.
Among the 37 passengers aboard the bus, two individuals tragically lost their lives in the accident. Additionally, two passengers sustained serious injuries, while one person was fortunate to escape with minor injuries and is currently receiving treatment at a nearby hospital.
| Jongboo
The emergency response to the scene was swift and comprehensive. Upon receiving the distressing report, the fire department swiftly dispatched nine ambulances and other rescue units to provide aid and support.
Passengers who did not require immediate hospitalization were transferred to a nearby rest area, offering a semblance of comfort amidst the chaos and devastation.
| Jongboo
Images from the accident scene depict a scene of horror and destruction. The once-intact windshield on the driver’s side of the bus is now shattered, with debris strewn about, serving as a chilling reminder of the sheer force of the impact.
In the aftermath of this tragic incident, authorities from the fire department, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies, have launched a thorough investigation to determine the precise cause of the accident. Statements from witnesses and individuals involved will be crucial in piecing together the sequence of events leading up to the fatal collision.
Furthermore, efforts are underway to identify all passengers who were aboard the tourist bus at the time of the accident, to provide support to their families and loved ones during this difficult time.