Kpopalypse 2023 stats and metrics post for bean-counting nerds

Many k-pop websites and fans alike care very much about likes, clicks, engagement and as such shady k-pop websites always guard their site data carefully so they can sell it to advertisers or use it to make sneaky marketing decisions. Not Kpopalypse, who carries no advertising and doesn’t give a fuck about anything apart from being a caonima, and happily shares all site data each year for your entertainment! It’s that time again, so let’s take a look at all the site statistics that are relevant to kpopalypse dot com and be very nerdy!

Firstly, let’s take a look at the yearly visit count!

As we can see, the website has been gradually reducing its traffic through the years as the website’s appeal becomes more selective. This is only natural as older k-pop fans move on from k-pop in general (or die from overexposure to hazardously shit music) whereas younger k-pop fans don’t tend to like the site much as the humour here is a bit adult, both on an “explicitness” level and a “you need a certain amount of brain power to accurately gauge what I’m talking about without misunderstanding it, and for many people this comes as they grow older” level. Note however that as we’re only halfway through December, and all the big action in December on this site tends to happen at the VERY end of the month thanks to the extremely popular favourites and worst lists being published on the final day, the true count for 2023 will be a little higher than shown here. I full expect the website to reach approximately 1,069,420 views, so maybe just slightly lower than the two years before it. Thank you to all the lovely readers who have continued to visit in 2023!

Which countries visited this website the most in 2023?

Here’s the honour roll of all countries that visited a lot, these countries therefore are very good places because they have lots of caonimas. Other countries around the world not listed visited less than 1000 times this year and therefore should reflect and return with more clicking. The biggest mover up in the stats this year was actually China, who more than doubled their viewcount! This probably means that I’m being watched by the Chinese government because of my caonimaish activities, or maybe they’re just enjoying the Chinese character in my books, but either way thanks for reading!

Here’s the countries that only visited once this year:

Okay I understand that some of these island nations might not have a lot of people with super good internet able to handle the very advanced technology here at, but the Central African Republic has like over five million. Yes I understand that there’s a little bit of tension over in that part of the world and infrastructure there isn’t great so maybe we need to get some more devices over there, if you’re a reader from the CAR write to me with a postal address and I’ll send you my old phone, the speaker’s dead but you can still browse the Internet and look at Wonho’s abs.

What sites brought the most people to

As you can see, these days people find almost purely because they make the effort to search for it. I definitely appreciate this effort! All of the other traffic is pretty much just from myself. The Twitter, Reddit, etc traffic is mainly my own Twitter and Reddit. The only websites with a lot of traffic to bother throwing me a link this year were the excellent database at and also I’m getting linked from China’s Weibo a little now. Other English-language k-pop websites are mostly way too scared to even throw Kpopalypse a link these days lest the fandom cults will cancel them (even the long-dead Anti Kpop-Fangirl still gets me more traffic than ALL still-active English language k-pop websites combined!), despite the fact that I link other sites all the time, as the next panel shows:

Of course I understand this as not many places have the sheer guts and strength of moral fortitude of, I can’t expect other places on the Internet to be as righteous and moral as myself when it comes to sharing links to relevant places of trufax. We can only pray to Raina and Chuu for better days.

So we know readers are finding this place mainly NOT because of referrals, but because they’re actively searching for content – but what search terms brought them here? Here’s a collection of every search term that people used more than once that landed them on this website.

These stats don’t collate from all search engines everywhere, just the ones that choose to make public data available for me to look at, so it’s not a complete picture, but it’s certainly a pretty good idea. The real reason for declining traffic, in all honesty, is probably because I haven’t done a big boobs analysis post on this website for the last two years! So much for k-pop fans being all pure and innocent, my stats don’t lie!

So what were the most popular posts on the site this year? Well, based on the above, you can probably guess…

The only post I did over the last year to even crack the top 20 most visited posts, besides the favourites and worst lists, were the objectification survey results – and even then, the results from two years ago still trend higher than this years for some reason! I guess 2021 was just an unbeatable year for k-pop boobs and abs. Note that the Yua Mikami/Honey Popcorn drama reviews posts have been getting quite a lot of traffic ever since she retired… but wasn’t getting any before that time, for some reason. Yes there will be another Honey Popcorn drama reviews post in the future to cover off the final works of Yua Mikami’s career!

What about the most popular posts by post tag?

I can’t do a yearly summary of these so this is just a quick snapshot of recent traffic. As you can see, fap reigns supreme… and nobody cares about Nugu Alert as it’s too low to even get numbers from.

Here’s the top ten “blind YouTube clicks” for 2023 – you clicked these links from my site to YouTube videos despite probably not knowing where exactly I was taking you, I admire your bravery and determination to follow links!

10 – Li-sa-X Band – Looking Up To You

9 – f(x) – “Pink Tape” art film

8 – Cardi B. ft. Megan Thee Stallion – W.A.P

7 – Passenger Of Shit – Bash A Brick Up My Ass

6 – Whitehouse – Cruise (Force The Truth)

5 – LC9 ft. Gain – Mama BEAT

4 – Bill Hicks – Good Drugs, Coincidentally Taxed Drugs

3 – IVE – Love Dive (improved MV by Kpopalypse)

2 – Dohyun from Mirae mocking Tsuki from Billlie’s “GingaMingaYo” facial expressions

1 – Oh My Girl – Secret Garden

Let’s now finish up with some stats from some other areas not on the site itself!

Ever wondered which games were more popular on Kpopalypse’s account? Well, now you know! Note that a “view” may mean that someone just looked at the page, or it may mean that they selected “play in browser” which is the most popular option for most of the games. Whereas a “download” means taht they downloaded a separate file, which is possible on all games (by saving the link) but not specifically invited on all of them. Note taht all games are free so none of them make any money (although someone did voluntarily give me $3 for a game in the first couple weeks of me being on back in 1863 before I realised I had to turn off the payments feature manually).

Here’s the data from Twitch’s analytics tool, from the start of 2023! There’s lots of space between each line because I only stream one day out of seven, and as you can see I took a week of streaming in the middle of the year for throat surgery!

People often ask – how are the books going? As it happens, pretty well! Above is the data from Amazon’s KDP reporting tool. Naturally the first book has done better because it’s been out for longer so it’s had more time to be purchased, and neither book has recouped the money I’ve spent on making them yet, but they’re getting close and I’ll probably recoup costs in… 2025! From feedback I’ve received, I think quite a few of my readers still aren’t aware that the second book is already out! Note that Amazon isn’t the only place where I have books available, as I know that a lot of you don’t like to use Amazon, or can’t for various reasons. Kobo doesn’t have very clear reporting tools at all so I didn’t screenshot it but I sold 28 eBooks on it (15 of Show Me Love and 13 of Love Light) and Barnes & Noble doesn’t really sell any books at all, I only created the B&N account just for those of you who desperately want a print copy rather than an eBook but can’t use Amazon (because Kobo won’t do eBooks), I only sold one book there this year. Look forward to a post in 2024 that goes through some of the deeper information about how to set up and use all this stuff, for those interested! Thank you to all the caonimas who are enjoying the book series, which will continue in 2024!

That’s all for this post, I hope you enjoyed nerding out with Kpopalypse this year! Kpopalypse will return with more postings!

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