While the group is in the middle of promoting its latest comeback, a member of the fourth-generation boy group, THE BOYZ, has received an unfortunate health update.
THE BOYZ | @official_theboyz/Instagram
According to IST Entertainment, the group’s main rapper, Sunwoo, complained of neck and shoulder pain on November 24 (KST). Though the agency wanted to take him to the hospital right away, he insisted on finishing performing with his group for Music Bank. The staff took him to the hospital after the pre-recording was over.
Sunwoo | @WE_THE_BOYZ/Twitter
Later that day, the agency updated fans with a follow-up statement, revealing that Sunwoo had been diagnosed with neuralgia and neuritis of the neck and shoulder area.
According to Healthline, neuralgia is a painful condition caused by a damaged or irritated nerve. Neuritis refers to nerve inflammation, which can trigger neuralgia.
Neuralgia is a stabbing, burning, and often severe pain due to a nerve that’s irritated or damaged.
— Healthline
As a part of Sunwoo’s treatment plan, doctors have advised the idol to minimize any excessive movement for a while. However, he is still determined to participate in the comeback promotions of THE BOYZ’s new album, PHANTASY: Pt. 2 Sixth Sense, which was just released on November 20. Consequently, IST Entertainment stated that he will take part in the activities as much as he can without exerting his body.
더보이즈 멤버 선우 건강 상태 및 향후 활동 관련하여 안내드립니다.
선우는 금일(24일) 오전, 목 어깨 통증을 호소하여 금일 음악방송 사전 녹화 종료 직후, 병원에 내원하여 어깨 및 목 부분 신경통 및 신경염 진단을 받아 치료를 진행하였습니다.
당분간 무리한…
— 더보이즈(THE BOYZ) (@IST_THEBOYZ) November 24, 2023
On the one hand, fans are in awe of Sunwoo’s dedication and noted how he didn’t even let his pain show during the recent schedules. On the other, however, they showed concern over his health, wishing he would rather rest for the time being. Many were also displeased with IST Entertainment’s handling of their artists’ health and wellbeing.
my sunwoo he actually did so good despite being in pain pic.twitter.com/9ql4kN0Ciz
— filipa (@jimiinT__T) November 24, 2023
why is sunwoo so stubborn we appreciate your dedication but I’ll personally kick your a$$ if something happens because health comes first!!!! https://t.co/ZEgGCXrhWl pic.twitter.com/ghgGBaQGFy
— cat CHILL KILL | WATCH IT (@atlanticjoyri) November 24, 2023
this level of communication is…..unprecedented from ist it’s actually throwing me off but they still aren’t shit for having such an insane schedule that 2 members are experiencing injuries especially this early into a promotion cycle https://t.co/ksk6ag1wh5
— ☆z (@babyoid) November 24, 2023
i just hope sunwoo knows his limits and doesn’t push past them just for the sake of promotions https://t.co/1ndElqICfA
— jo (@cyberb0yz) November 24, 2023
In 2020, Sunwoo also had neck and shoulder pain to the point that he had to rest and not perform, until it was difficult for him to move his neck and shoulders. Your health comes first, don’t push your body IST, please take care of the boyz and give them a humane schedule https://t.co/J4eaAUVMMb pic.twitter.com/cpdJ7KeIZT
— r (@kirrawk) November 24, 2023
We wish Sunwoo a speedy recovery!