Woman Saves Ungrateful Friend’s Life And Gets Severely Punished For It

Woman Saves Ungrateful Friend’s Life And Gets Severely Punished For It

The saying “no good deed goes unpunished,” proved true for one brave woman who endured a literal backstabbing for her friend.

Unrelated photo for illustrative purposes. | Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

He, a 34-year-old beautician from Shaanxi, China, saved her friend and roommate Xiaoli from a knife-wielding attacker. He and Xiaoli had been roommates since 2020 and Xiaoli, who was 16-year-old at the time, became a little sister to He and worked at the same salon as an apprentice.

Fast forward to 2023, to a severed friendship, and a breakup gone bad. Xiaoli’s ex-boyfriend, surnamed Wang, broke into the women’s shared home after Xiaoli refused to get back together with him.

Unrelated photo for illustrative purposes. | the blowup/Unsplash

According to He, Xiaoli burst into her room shouting, “Sister He, save me,” just before she was about to go to bed. Like a true older sister, He protected Xiaoli from Wang’s vicious knife attack that resulted in both women suffering multiple wounds.

Scars from He’s knife wounds. | The Paper

Thanks to He, who managed to calm Wang down, both women survived, but at a price. He suffered wounds to her head and neck that have caused her long-term hardships.

The wounds to my body reach 107cm in total length. Wang slashed me more than 20 times with the knife.

— He

He’s family has gone into debt to pay her medical bills. She has lost her job, and also her once-strong friendship with Xiaoli. “I suffered this to save her,” He said. “but [Xiaoli] doesn’t even apologize.”

Scars from He’s knife wounds. | The Paper

The case, which went to trial in October, is ongoing. Online, netizens have expressed sympathy for He and a desire for justice to be served. When Shangyou News reached out to Xiaoli’s family for comment, however, the family threatened to call the police.

Don’t call me again, otherwise I will call the police.

— Xiaoli’s family

What else is happening in Asia? Check out more stories here:

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