Source: Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC
Full disclosure: I had slowly been brushing up on Pokémon skills before I got hands-on with Scarlet and Violet’s The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk DLC, and it didn’t matter because I got my a** kicked while playing it.
It’s been a year since Pokémon: Scarlet and Violet landed on the Nintendo Switch, and fans have already enjoyed post-game content thanks to The Hidden Treasure Area Zero Part I: The Teal Mask.
The next installment, The Indigo Disk, arrives on December 14, and I got to play roughly an hour of the upcoming DLC. Before playing, the folks on hand representing Nintendo explained that to play The Indigo Disk DLC, you have to complete the base Pokémon Scarlet and Violet story and the first wave of the DLC.
Okay, with that out of the way, you can head to Blueberry Academy to embark on your next quest in the underwater location.
Welcome To The Terrarium
Source: Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC
In the Indigo Disk DLC, players will explore the Terrarium, a massive underwater Pokemon habit broken up into different biomes and home to all types of battling critters.
Pokémon fans will be happy to learn there will be more Pokémon to discover Archuladon, an evolution of Duraludon, and new Paradox Pokemon like Raging Bolt and Iron Crown.
The first part of my hands-on experience allowed me to explore the Terrarium and partake in some of the Blueberry Academy’s classes.
Source: Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC
I also had the experience of using Koraidon with his new flight ability by making it through a timed obstacle course full of rings held together by Magnemites—just another fun way to get around on your Legendary Paradox Pokémon.
Game Freak Has Heard Your Cries & Made Pokémon Battles More Challenging
Source: Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC
One of the many complaints about Pokémon games lately is that they are too easy; well, it feels like Game Freak has heard your cries and taken the difficulty another notch in the Indigo Disk DLC.
During the second half of my demo, I challenged Amarys, one of the Elite Four members of the Blueberry Academy. Even though you had high-leveled Pokémon in your party, I quickly noticed that I was at an advantage taking on Amarys’ powerful Pokémon.
The developers want to make players rely on strategy when taking on these elite trainers cause the battle had me racking my brain about how to mount a comeback against Amarys.
Spoiler alert: I got my a** handed to me by the computer, but I must say it left me wanting to hop in with a new strategy to take her down, but unfortunately, my time ran out.
During my brief experience with Pokémon Violet, I noticed some of the battles were pushovers, leaving me a bit disappointed. Still, during my preview with Indigo Disk, I was more locked in, taking me back to the time of Pokémon Blue and Red.
I walked away wanting a rematch with Amarys, and if that’s any indication of how the rest of the Indigo Disk DLC will play out, sign me the hell up.
Photo: Nintendo / Game Freak / Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC